Designed and developed by Lawrence Fyfe
JunctionBox is an interaction design and control mapping library for Processing that I designed and programmed for my PhD in Computational Media Design. JunctionBox allows programmers to build touch interfaces for devices like TUIO-based touch tables and Android phones or tablets. Touch interactions on those devices are used to control audio engines (like ChucK, PureData, or SuperCollider) via Open Sound Control (OSC) messages. The combination of JunctionBox touch interfaces, OSC messages, and audio engines enables the creation of networked musical instruments.
  • Supports touch input from TUIO or Android devices (and mouse input too)
  • Automatically handles mapping of touch input to Open Sound Control (OSC) messages
  • Features 20 different touch interactions that are individually mappable to OSC messages
  • Allows interface widgets to inherit touch interactions from other interface widgets
  • Supports the recording and playback of touch gestures
  • Saves the current interaction state of an interface and allows that state to be loaded again
  • Supports networking on local area networks (and possibly over the internet)
My thesis, JunctionBox: A Multi-touch Interaction Mapping Toolkit for Creating Musical Interfaces (PDF), has much more information about the design and implementation of JunctionBox.
Download JunctionBox as a zip file.
Note that JunctionBox is no longer under active development.